1.5 kg of octopus
4 garlic cloves (chopped)
2 onions
900g of potatoes
200ml of olive oil
2 bay leaves
Parsley (to taste)
Traditional sea salt (to taste)
Place the octopus in the Startwist pressure cooker, cover with water and add a bay leaf and the whole unpeeled onion.
Let it cook for 15 minutes.
Wash the unpeeled potatoes well. In a stockpot, boil the potatoes with water and 2 tablespoons of salt. Let it cook for 30 minutes.
After the indicated time, drain the octopus and throw it on the tray, along with the crushed potatoes.
Add the sliced onion and garlic. Drizzle everything with olive oil.
Place the tray in an oven heated to 200ºC and bake for approximately 15 minutes.